Coming soon.

1. Object of Edgard de Souza and folding screen of Marcus Vinicius.

2. Artboards of Dudi Maia Rosa, Marcos Coelho Benjamin, Marina Saleme and on the floor, artwork of Nelson Felix. On the right, Miguel Rio Branco, Rosangela Rennó, Alfredo Jaar and Nelson Felix.

3. Sculpture of Ivens Machado, piano of Tatiana Blass and artboards of Dudi Maia Rosa and Sérgio Sister.
Rua Maestro Ignácio Stábile, 200 | Alto da Boa Vista | Ribeirão Preto | SP | Brasil
Tuesday to Saturday, from 14h to 18h | Free Entrance
+55 16 3623 2261 | +55 16 3623 2262
Instituto Figueiredo Ferraz © All rights reserved